Comprehensive rehabilition institute
Our priority is to prevent health complications and to strengthen and restore people's physical and mental health.

• With musculoskeletal diseases.
• After injuries and surgeries of the musculoskeletal and nervous system.
• The aim is to positively influence the overall condition of the client and enable him to return to his home environment and ordinary way of life.
• Conditions after stroke, after the acute stage of the disease has subsided.
• Conditions after injuries and surgeries of the musculoskeletal system and spine.
• Multiple sclerosis.
• Neurodegenerative diseases with rehabilitation potential (e.g. Parkinson‘s disease).
• Paralysis of limbs (plegia, paresis) of various origins.
• Conditions following total joint endoprosthesis.
• Conditions following traumatic limb amputations (healed amputation stump).
• Conditions associated with immobilization where improvement in mobility is likely.
• Decompensated chronic degenerative musculoskeletal disease.
• Over 18 years of age.
• Diagnosis that corresponds to the possibilities of therapy at the Rehabilitation
Institute Belohrad.
• Ability to cooperate and understand the therapist’s request.
• In the case of a chronic disease, the disease must be in a stable condition.
Online rehabilitation of predetermined diagnoses so that clients can continue rehabilitation after discharging home. We are currently working on an English version of telerehabilitation.
movement therapy • physical therapy • water therapy • occupation therapy • speech therapy • psychotherapy • nutrition care • nursing care
physician • occupational therapists • physiotherapists • psychologist • nutritional therapist • speech therapist • social worker • nurses • support staff
• Send us your Medical report.
• Ou specialist will review the Medical report and issue recommended treatments at our Rehabilitation Institute.
• After mutual agreement, a date will be selected and treatment with us.
A team of professionals
My mission is to help patients achieve better health and find the roots of their difficulties. I see rehabilitation as a complex field that is intertwined with various medical disciplines such as neurology, orthopedics, gynecology and psychosomatics. During the examination, I try to explain to patients the nature of their disease and motivate them to actively cooperate.
I attend to each patient with love and care with the goal of achieving optimal health. My concern is not only to provide the best treatment, but also to offer support and understanding throughout the healing process.
My job is not only about caring for patients, but also about working with the entire rehabilitation team. I believe that communication and collaboration are essential to achieve the best results. When everything works, the effect of rehabilitation is maximized, which is fulfilling and motivating for me.
I try to capitalize on my clinical experience, especially in neurorehabilitation, to build quality care for our patients. Without a well-functioning team, challenging complex rehabilitation would not be possible. Therefore, my goal is to connect colleagues from all disciplines so that we function professionally and humanly at the same time. I would like to promote our level of expertise in both diagnosis and therapy so that we can be a state-of-the-art facility.